Another summer has come and gone, kids have now been in school for about a month. Taylor started 7th and is in the Middle School and has to leave the house at 7 am to catch the bus (which hasn't happened much I've been his bus) we all know that he is not a morning person at all!!!! He is once again playing on the Storm soccer comp team and is also playing and practicing with the a-team. So we pretty much have soccer 6 days a week. He is also able to hunt this year which he is very excited for.
Gabrielle has started 5th grade and is in the Timp. Intermediate School her bus arrives a little after 8am and she is a morning person thank goodness, I hardly ever have a problem getting her out of bed to go. She is also taking violin this year in school and is so far loving it. I hope that it is something that she will continue to love. She likes her teacher this year and was a little nervous about going to a different school but she has done great!
Kennedy started preschool and loves it, asks everyday if she has preschool today. She is in the afternoon class and it is so hard for her to wait till after lunch to go she absolutely loves it. Her teacher is Ms. Lalie (Laurie) she is wonderful with the little kids.