Yes, I know it has been since Feb. since my last update, but life at the Bether's has been busy.
I cannot believe that summer is almost over and next week the kids will be back in school. Taylor is very busy playing soccer and the season will soon start so that will lead to more traveling and more rides in the car, I'm sooooo happy that I now have a bigger car and there will be no more fighting. Well I shouldn't say no more fighting maybe less fighting is a better thing to say. Taylor has also been able to spend alot of time up at gpa Steve's house this summer helping out, squirrel hunting, bird hunting, watching tv & eating all there goodies, mowing the lawn etc, etc.
Gabrielle put her ceramics in the county fair this year and took 1st place on all three, I'm so proud of her she is a very talented girl. She also has spent alot of time at gma Lynne's house, helping unpack, organizing jewelry, shredding papers, teaching Chloe how to chase things, and watching tv. Taylor and Gabrielle have been such great help this summer, I cannot believe how they have grown up all of a sudden.
Kennedy will be very lonely when the kids go back to school, but on the other hand she will have no one to fight with, she won't have to share, she can watch her shows on tv, and there will be peace & quiet at the house. Ahhh how I love quiet time.