We had a blast at Disneyland, the kids had alot of fun and rode lots of rides. Kennedy wasn't quite sure of the characters the first day, but after she seen that her cousins were not afraid of them she wanted to get down and see them also. I took her to the playhouse disney show and she had a blast!!! We were the second row from the stage and she was dancing, singing, and bouncing when tigger bounced she had so much fun. The second morning we were there Kennedy woke up and said, " mom I see Minnie, Jesse, Woody." Every morning after that she said the same thing. The day we were getting ready to come home she said, " mom no airplane I go see Minnie".
The first night we were there we went to the parade, Gabrielle was chosen by one of the dancers to go out on the parade route and dance with them she did a great job. When she got back she said, " mom I was shaking so bad." I would publish the video but I don't want to embarass her.
Taylor and Gabrielle went on a ton of rides with their dad, even the rides that I didn't think Gabrielle would like she loved. They rode Tower of Terror numerous times, Screamin California, and Splash Mountain alot. We were lucky enough to be able to go to Disneyland with Jodi and fam, Mike & Laura & fam, and Aaron & Carrie & fam. It was fun to have family and friends there the same time we were there.