I wanted to share with everyone some things about Gabrielle for her birthday, yes I know I'm 2 days late. Gabrielle is the peace maker of our family, if ever there is a problem she jumps right in and makes it all better. She is a wonderful big and little sister. This morning while I was in the shower she watched Kennedy for me and when I got out I came into the family room to check on them and she was holding Kennedy watching cartoons on her lap and was tickling Kennedy's forehead with her fingers. It was the cutest thing I've seen. Kennedy was just smiling looking up at her big sister. Gabrielle noticed me watching her and was smiling, shooshing me away with her hand. Gabrielle has also taken interest in her ceramics class, she does a wonderful job and likes to go. I'm amazed at how wonderful she is doing in it. This year for her birthday she wanted a karaoke machine, so we have had are own entertainment. She has the High School Musical cd now memorized. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and sister. Happy Birthday to you Gabrielle. We love you!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Gabrielle
I wanted to share with everyone some things about Gabrielle for her birthday, yes I know I'm 2 days late. Gabrielle is the peace maker of our family, if ever there is a problem she jumps right in and makes it all better. She is a wonderful big and little sister. This morning while I was in the shower she watched Kennedy for me and when I got out I came into the family room to check on them and she was holding Kennedy watching cartoons on her lap and was tickling Kennedy's forehead with her fingers. It was the cutest thing I've seen. Kennedy was just smiling looking up at her big sister. Gabrielle noticed me watching her and was smiling, shooshing me away with her hand. Gabrielle has also taken interest in her ceramics class, she does a wonderful job and likes to go. I'm amazed at how wonderful she is doing in it. This year for her birthday she wanted a karaoke machine, so we have had are own entertainment. She has the High School Musical cd now memorized. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and sister. Happy Birthday to you Gabrielle. We love you!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Winter Fun
We took the kids outside yesterday and played in the snow, poor Kennedy looked like a pink marshmallow and if she fell down, she couldn't get up because her snow suit is way to big for her. She had so much fun playing with the kids and the dogs. Taylor, Gabrielle and Laramie had quite the snowball fight, Kennedy and I stayed out of the way. After the snowball fight and shoveling the walk ways we built a snowman. When it was time to come in Kennedy screamed and screamed and screamed. She loved being outside with everyone.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Helping dad rake the leaves
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween 2009
We had a great Halloween, we started on Thursday night by carving pumpkins. For some reason Lar and I are the last ones at the table finishing the pumpkins and the kids have disappeared. Friday night we went to the trunk or treat, then on Saturday we went trick or treating.We made pumpkin pizza's and had a skeleton veggie tray, that Gab and I made. Gab did a great job at cutting up the veggies. The kids looked great in their costumes, Baby K didn't quite know what to think of her brother and sister with their painted faces. It took her a little while to figure out that it was ok. The kids got tons of candy and after trick or treating we went for ice cream ( Lar's idea). Afterwards we came home and sorted through all the candy and made sure that we (me and Lar) got the candy that we wanted first. The kids know every year that their dad goes through the candy first and I think that the older they get the more they dread it, cause he takes the best candy first.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time to update
Tman was able to go hunting with his dad the last day of the Spike Elk hunt after the whole week of pouting that he had to go to school instead hunt with his dad. They hadn't been gone more than 2 hours and I get a phone call, "Mom dad killed an elk!" In the back of my head I was thinking great, what are we going to do with an elk, but instead I was so excited that Taylor was able to be with his dad when he got the elk. What a wonderful memory was made for Taylor and his dad. Lar said that when they got down to where the elk was Taylor started to shake and breath heavy, it's amazing how that is born into them. I can't say I get that excited when I see an elk, but whatever must be a man thing. Taylor was in charge of packing out the head and he loved every minute of it. The elk came home with the name of Paul. So Paul is now at the butcher's getting made into jerky.
Gab is in a ceramics class and loves it, she goes every Wed. night. She is painting 3 little ghosts for Halloween, I signed her up for another class in November. I will post pictures when she brings them home. I think the only thing she is really concerned about right now is playing with friends, she has complete meltdowns if she cannot find anyone to play with on the weekends. She has also started to do her own hair which is driving me crazy, we had to compromise and I do hair on school days, and she does her hair on weekends.
Little Miss Kennedy is very busy these days. I forgot what it was like to have toddler around the house. She is in love with Barney, we watch Barney alot. She also loves the movie Spirit, we also watch that movie alot. They have the movie Spirit at the Fit Stop so when I go to workout and take her to the daycare that's the first thing she asks for is the horsee movie. It has taken along time, but she has finally figured out that an hour without her mom is ok, and she will be fine. I found Taylor's bouncing Tigger yesterday and put batteries in it and showed it to Kennedy it scared her to death and she would not touch it, after a little while she realized that it wasn't so bad she would boucne when Tigger bounced.
Monday, August 24, 2009
T-man turns 10
For Taylor's 10th b-day I let him have a friend party, I also let Gab have an un b-day party because of her b-day being 3 days before Christmas. So I had it at my house and borrowed Lar's cousins blow up waterslides the kids had a blast. Yes it was crazy to say the least I didn't realize how out of control 9, 10 year boys could be. Gab had 6 friends here. BIG difference between boys and girls. I ordered pizza from Dominios and cupcakes from Costco and was very thankful that my friend Joey was here to help with Kennedy. It was chaos.
Taylor's b-day was on a Wednesday this year and Lar was out of town so I let him open a couple of presents that morning with his sister's and that night we had strawberry shortcake and sang Happy B-day to him. On Friday we had cake and ice cream with the family. I cannot beleive that he is 10, seems like yesterday I was puking my guts out and was crying because I didn't know that pregnancy was suppose to be like that. I remembering my mom telling as I was wheeling my iv cart around the house "don't worry honey it will all be worth once that baby gets here" and she was right once he was born it was all worth it.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
4th of July camping trip
We went camping with a bunch of friends for the 4th. The kids had a blast, I'm not sure which one was the dirtiest cause they all pretty much looked the same. T-man went on the horses with his dad and friends on friday, of course I was a nervous wreck the whole time they were gone but he did great and had fun. He couldn't understand why his butt was so sore later that night! Gab stuck to riding in the ranger with Lil's girls and had alot of fun. Miss K. was everywhere, Holy Crap I forgot what it was like to take a baby camping, I don't think I sat down for longer than a minute at a time. The ground was pretty unlevel so she would get cruising going down hill and would fall, she would get right back up and do it again. She was a little cranky Sat. but after a good nap she was good to go.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My poor horse
I think that everyone knows how hairy my horse Tiki gets every winter, she is like a wooly mammoth. Lar spends every weekend for months trying to get her winter hair off. Well a couple of weeks ago you couldn't even tell that she had a head she was one big hair ball so he took the clippers and shaved her face, I do have to admit that her face did look better. After weeks of threatening me that he was going to shear her like a sheep he did!! I couldn't believe it he was out there with clippers shearing my poor horse. He said that the hair was coming off in clumps. When he tried to do her back legs she would kick at him so her back legs are still hairy. Because it is still cold outside she is now sleeping with a blanket on her tonite. Poor horse, who shears a horse anyways? I will post pictures later.
Easter Photos
We had a good Easter, the kids woke up at 4:10 a.m. to tell us that the Easter Bunny had came. I told them that they could see what they got for Easter and that they had to go back to bed. They came back in at 6:00 a.m. and wanted to find Easter eggs so I let them and we stayed in bed until baby K woke up. We went to Lar's aunt's house for another Easter egg hunt and for dinner. The kids had a great time and were extremely tired that night. All in all it was a great day.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
T-man student council
Tman is now on the student council for the recycling committee. He had to fill out a paper and give reasons why he would be good at this job and one of the reasons he wrote down was he could lift heavy things! I thought that it was pretty cute that he wrote that, I would never tell him that I thought it was cute though, cute is not a word a 9 year old boy wants to hear. He has to be to meetings every tuesday mornings at 8:00 we'll see how that goes he is not a morning person at all!!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A day in the life of baby K
This was are day today and the day's not over yet. The crazy hair is from peach jam she rubs whatever she eats into her hair now. The baricade is to keep her from climbing the stairs and until we get a gate. Yes, I did catch her when she fell I dropped the camera and caught the baby. She was almost to the top of the stairs.
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